I'm in the process of getting it insured, and on Tuesday took a new route away from the Smithsonian to try to get our rent paid at a bank nearby. I turned onto an empty street and ran into the very beginning of a student protest.
LESSON NUMBER ONE: it's probably best to just stop and turn around if you see a group of 20+ muchachos covering their faces with rags and holding rocks.

LA PRENSA/Ana Rentería
Anyway, I got close enough for them to surround the car, sit on the hood, and open the doors. LESSON NUMBER TWO: if you have forgotten LESSON NUMBER ONE (see above), you could try to lock your doors. At that point I looked around and realized my wallet and cell phone were sitting on the passenger seat, so I stuffed them between my legs and put the car in reverse. All I remember were the boys saying ¿Qué pasó, qué pasó? (what's up?). Then one of them on the driver's side started saying 'cierre la puerta, cierre la puerta' (close the door), perhaps realizing that I had no idea what the heck was going on. I also speculate that they hadn't gotten rev'd up yet (it was about 3:00 p.m.) or it might have looked like this:
But they didn't throw rocks, or taking anything from the car (my backpack was sitting in the back seat), so I will just count my blessings and consider them lessons learned.
Hi J,K,C,
I think it's great that La Prensa is covering John's drive home. You must be bigger wigs than I thought.
Keep those baby pictures posting!
Tia Monica (ooh la la!)
Hi, John, Kirsten, Connor--can't believe you got this blog up and running after the big move! It's impressive: wonderful writing, great photos, terrific links. Miss you, miss seeing Connor, but admiring of your adventurous souls. Love, Linda
Smooth move on the wallet hiding action! I'm gonna get myself on that Google visits calendar if it's the last thing I do!!!!!
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